All About The Baldwin Diesel Zone
by Mark Laundry
November 2003
Six months ago Tim Darnell shared with me some photos he had taken of Baldwin diesels at
Bridgeport NJ. These photos represented a majority of the SMS/Penn Jersey Lines' roster
and for a railfan who doesn't live in the area it was wonderful to see these rare units, especially
since most are actually in service. Tim and I decided that surely these photos would be of interest to
other railfans, and since there didn't seem to be a railfan website solely dedicated to Baldwin diesels we
decided there should be one.
The site was started using material from our collections: Tim's photos, some original slides and later
some Baldwin ads that I had started to acquire. We hoped that other on-line railfans would share, with us
and other railfans who visit this site, some of their Baldwin material. We didn't need to wait too
long before we received some amazing contributions. We would like to thank the people in
the "Photo Contributors" list above for sharing their photos with us.
The great thing is that we have received Baldwin material from both the past and the present.
For example, Stan Ulrich sent a photo of an ex. Navy VO1000 recently acquired by the
Golden Gate Railroad Museum, we still don't know its history. Jack Neville and Ed Kaspriske have sent some
amazing Baldwin photos from the past.
That's not all, apart from photo contributions, Henry Rentschler
has shared with us a slice of Baldwin history,
maybe not known to many railfans, in the twenty "Replacement and Renewal Parts" magazine advertisements
from his collection.
In the past six months, thanks to all these generous contributions, the site has turned out to be something
far more interesting, to fans of Baldwin diesels and railfans in general, than Tim and I could have created
on our own. We welcome, and are looking forward to, any and all contributions, comments, ideas, etc. that
you think would be of interest.
Thanks again to all who have helped out.