
Moroccan Railways were original owners, the French Supply Council acquired these models new from Baldwin for Morocco:
DRS6-4-660, DRS6-4-750, DRS6-4-1500
See Summary of Baldwin diesels delivered new to Morocco at the bottom of the page

Chemins de fer du Maroc

The CFM, Chemins de fer du Maroc (Railroad of Morocco), was originally built by the French Army. In 1963 the Kingdom of Morocco took over the French owned railroads and merged them into the ONCF (Office National des Chemins de fer Marocains).


TF DB 402
photo credit: David Martindell
Petitjean, French Morocco - August 1955
TF DB 402

c/n 73469, b/d 10/1947

- TF (Tangier Fez Railway)
TF DB 402

photos by: Philip Wormald
Taza Morocco - 2006/11/24

c/n 73472, b/d 11/1947

- ONCF (Office National des Chemins de fer Marocains)


040 DA 101 CFM 040 DA 101

c/n 72631, b/d 12/1946

- CFM (Chemins de fer du Maroc)
- built with Roto-Clone air filters
Baldwin photo - collection of Chuck Brewster

Summary of Baldwin diesels delivered new to Morocco
Information courtesy of Jean-Pierre Vergez

Chemins de fer du Maroc (CFM)
  • DRS6-4-660, c/n 73468 to 73473, of 1948 were delivered new to CFM as 040 DB 401 to 406. To ONCF with the same numbers.

  • DRS6-4-1500, c/n 72631, 1946 - CFM 040 DA 101, later renumbered as CFM 040 DA 301
  • DRS6-4-1500, c/n 72637 to 72640, 1947 - CFM 040 DA 102 to 105, later renumbered as 040 DA 302 to 305
  • DRS6-4-1500, c/n 74287 and 74288, of 1949 were delivered new to CFM as 040 DA 306 and 307. To ONCF with same numbers.
  • DRS6-4-1500, c/n 75108 to 75109, of 1951 were delivered new to CFM as 040 DA 308 and 309. To ONCF with same numbers.

  • DRS6-4-1500, c/n 75524 to 75526, of 1952 were delivered new to CFM as 040 DC 331 to 333. Later renumbered as 040 DA 310 to 312,
    they were different from the first batch of 040 DA which had the cab at the end.

    That's all for Baldwins delivered new to CFM, but:

    CFT(Chemins de fer Tunisiens) 040 DA 301 to 304 (c/n 73216 to 73219/1946) were sold to CFM in 1958.
    After power reducing to 750 hp, they were renumbered as CFM 040 DA 321 to 324.
    To ONCF with same numbers.

    Chemin de fer Méditerranée-Niger (MN)
  • DRS6-4-1500, c/n 72650 to 72653, of 1947 were delivered new to Office du chemin de fer Méditerranée-Niger as 040 DA 351 to 354,
    when the company disapeared in 1962, at the end of Algeria War, they were transfered to Morocco and renumbered as ONCF 040 DA 313 to 316
  • DRS6-4-1500, c/n 73349 and 73350, of 1947 were delivered new to MN as 040 DA 355 and 356. To ONCF as 040 DA 317 to 318 in 1962.

    Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP)
  • DRS6-4-750, c/n 74673, built in 1949, running number 6 in OCP and was in use in Khouribga network

    The copyrights for all photos are assumed to rest with the photographers.

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