
Both original owner, they acquired non standard guage AS616E models new from Baldwin.

Baldwin photo
- collection of Chuck Brewster
Baldwin Works Eddystone PA - circa 1950

Note on back of photo says;
“AS-616-E Brazil Meter Gauge Diesel”

Estrada de Ferro Central do Brazil

Founded in 1855 as the Estrada de Ferro Dom Pedro II it was renamed
the Estrada de Ferro Central do Brazil (EFCB) in 1889 when the Brazilian republic was proclaimed.
It came under the control of the Rede Ferroviária Federal S.A. in 1957.

The EFCB purchased 32 model AS616E units from Baldwin, of these 12, #3371 to 3392 (c/n 75725 to 75736),
were broad gauge, 1.6 meter (5' 3"). The remaining 20, #4371 to 4390 (c/n 75737 to 75756),
were narrow gauge, 1.0 meter.

Two EFCB units survive:
  • 3380 - 1.6 meter gauge, stored for preservation at the Railroad Museum of Engenho de Dentro, Rio de Janeiro
  • 4390 - 1.0 meter gauge, in serivce at the Montes Claros Cement Plant


    photo by: Pedro Rezende
    June 16, 1995

    c/n 75735, b/d 11/1952

    - built for the EFCB as #3380
    - 1.6 meter gauge
    - Railroad Museum of Engenho de Dentro, Rio de Janeiro

    51805 4371

    c/n 75737, b/d 1/1953

    - built for the EFCB as #4371

    Baldwin photo
    - collection of Chuck Brewster

    CMC 00017
    photo by: Joao Bosco Setti

    c/n 75756, b/d 5/1953

    - built for the EFCB as #4390
    - 1.0 meter gauge
    - to Cimento Montes Claros as 00017
    - reported still in service

    EFCB 3380
    3380 3380
    photos by: Joao Bosco Setti
    Deodoro yard in Rio de Janeiro - 1980/02/04

    These narrow gauge photos were taken by Joao Bosco Setti at Matsulfur (Cimento Montes Claros),
    a cement company in Montes Claros, MG. The date is 1988-11-29.
    Two units are shown, CMC 00017 (ex EFCB #4390) and CMC 00025 which is a GE

    CMC 00017 CMC 00017
    CMC 00017 CMC 00017
    CMC 00017 CMC 00017
    CMC 00017 CMC 00017

    Rede de Viação Paraná – Santa Catarina

    Five 1.0 meter gauge AS616Es built for the Rede de Viação Paraná – Santa Catarina (RVPSC)

    Roster and photos see:
    - Locomotivas da RVPSC - AS616E

    The copyrights for all photos are assumed to rest with the photographers.

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